package it.fulminazzo.yagl.particles;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.interfaces.functions.BiFunctionException;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.interfaces.functions.TriConsumer;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.objects.Refl;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.utils.ClassUtils;
import it.fulminazzo.yamlparser.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import it.fulminazzo.yamlparser.configuration.FileConfiguration;
import it.fulminazzo.yamlparser.configuration.IConfiguration;
import it.fulminazzo.yamlparser.parsers.YAMLParser;
import it.fulminazzo.yamlparser.parsers.annotations.PreventSaving;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* A parser to serialize a generic {@link ParticleOption} object.
* @param <P> the type parameter
public class ParticleOptionParser<P extends ParticleOption<?>> extends YAMLParser<P> {
* Instantiates a new Particle option parser.
* @param pClass the class of the {@link ParticleOption} to serialize
public ParticleOptionParser(@NotNull Class<P> pClass) {
protected BiFunctionException<IConfiguration, String, P> getLoader() {
return (c, s) -> {
Refl<?> reflP = new Refl<>(getOClass(), new Object[0]);
@NotNull List<Field> fields = getFields(reflP);
if (fields.size() == 1) loadField(reflP, c, s, fields.get(0));
else {
ConfigurationSection section = c.getConfigurationSection(s);
if (section != null) for (Field f : fields)
loadField(reflP, section, f.getName(), f);
return (P) reflP.getObject();
private void loadField(@NotNull Refl<?> reflP, @NotNull IConfiguration section, @NotNull String path, @NotNull Field field) {
Object object = section.get(path, field.getType());
if (object instanceof String) {
String string = object.toString();
if (string.toLowerCase().matches("\\d+\\.\\d+f"))
object = Float.valueOf(string.substring(0, string.length() - 1));
reflP.setFieldObject(field.getName(), object);
protected TriConsumer<IConfiguration, String, P> getDumper() {
return (c, s, p) -> {
c.set(s, null);
if (p == null) return;
Refl<?> reflP = new Refl<>(p);
@NotNull List<Field> fields = getFields(reflP);
if (fields.size() == 1) saveField(reflP, c, s, fields.get(0));
else {
ConfigurationSection section = c.createSection(s);
for (Field f : fields)
saveField(reflP, section, f.getName(), f);
* Adds all the parsers in the {@link it.fulminazzo.yagl.particles} package as {@link ParticleOptionParser}s.
public static void addAllParsers() {
@NotNull Set<Class<?>> classes = ClassUtils.findClassesInPackage(ParticleOption.class.getPackage().getName());
for (Class<?> clazz : classes)
if (!clazz.equals(ParticleOption.class) && ParticleOption.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
FileConfiguration.addParsers(new ParticleOptionParser<>((Class<? extends ParticleOption<?>>) clazz));
private void saveField(@NotNull Refl<?> reflP, @NotNull IConfiguration section, @NotNull String path, @NotNull Field field) {
Object object = reflP.getFieldObject(field);
if (object instanceof Float) object = object + "f";
section.set(path, object);
private @NotNull List<Field> getFields(@NotNull Refl<?> reflP) {
return reflP.getFields(f -> !Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) && !f.isAnnotationPresent(PreventSaving.class));