package it.fulminazzo.yagl.utils;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.utils.ClassUtils;
import it.fulminazzo.yamlparser.utils.FileUtils;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.Set;
* The type Parser utils.
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public final class ParserUtils {
* Converts the given string type to the corresponding class, based on the coreClass.
* It gathers all the classes that extend <i>coreClass</i> in the same package.
* Then, for each one of them, calls {@link #classToType(Class, Class)} and compares the result with the passed type.
* If none matches, an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
* @param <C> the type parameter
* @param coreClass the core class
* @param toConvert the type to convert
* @return the class
public static <C> @NotNull Class<? extends C> typeToClass(final @NotNull Class<C> coreClass, final @NotNull String toConvert) {
String packageName = coreClass.getPackage().getName();
final @NotNull Set<Class<?>> classes = ClassUtils.findClassesInPackage(packageName);
for (Class<?> clazz : classes)
if (!coreClass.equals(clazz) && coreClass.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
Class<? extends C> guiClazz = (Class<? extends C>) clazz;
if (classToType(coreClass, guiClazz).equals(toConvert)) return guiClazz;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Could not find corresponding %s class from type '%s'",
coreClass.getSimpleName(), toConvert));
* Converts the given class to a corresponding type, based on the core class.
* If the class to convert has the core class name in it, this will be stripped.
* @param <C> the type parameter
* @param coreClass the core class
* @param toConvert the class to convert
* @return the resulting type (in SCREAM_SNAKE_CASE)
public static <C> @NotNull String classToType(final @NotNull Class<C> coreClass, final @NotNull Class<? extends C> toConvert) {
final String mainClassName = coreClass.getSimpleName();
String name = toConvert.getSimpleName();
if (name.startsWith(mainClassName)) name = name.substring(mainClassName.length());
if (name.endsWith(mainClassName)) name = name.substring(0, name.length() - mainClassName.length());
if (name.equals("Impl")) name = "default";
name = FileUtils.formatStringToYaml(name);
return name.replace("-", "_").toUpperCase();