package it.fulminazzo.yagl;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.objects.Refl;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.utils.ReflectionUtils;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* An interface that holds key-value pairs of {@link String}s.
public interface Metadatable {
* A function used to convert the variables in {@link #apply(Object)}.
Function<@NotNull String, @NotNull String> VARIABLE_FORMAT = s -> "<" + s + ">";
* A function used to parse the variables names.
Function<@NotNull String, @NotNull String> VARIABLE_PARSER = s -> {
final String separator = "_";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (String string : s.split("")) {
if (string.matches("[A-Z]")) builder.append(separator);
else if (string.matches("[\r\t\n -]")) {
String output = builder.toString().toLowerCase();
while (output.startsWith(separator))
output = output.substring(separator.length());
return output;
* Sets variable.
* @param name the name
* @param value the value
* @return this metadatable
default @NotNull Metadatable setVariable(final @NotNull String name, final @NotNull String value) {
variables().put(VARIABLE_PARSER.apply(name), value);
return this;
* Unset variable metadatable.
* @param name the name
* @return this metadatable
default @NotNull Metadatable unsetVariable(final @NotNull String name) {
return this;
* Checks if the current {@link Metadatable} has the given variable.
* @param name the name
* @return true if it contains
default boolean hasVariable(final @NotNull String name) {
return getVariable(VARIABLE_PARSER.apply(name)) != null;
* Gets variable.
* Returns <i>null</i> in case of missing.
* @param name the name
* @return the variable
default @Nullable String getVariable(final @NotNull String name) {
return variables().get(VARIABLE_PARSER.apply(name));
* Copies all the variables from this metadatable to the given one.
* @param other the other metadatable
* @param replace if false, if the other already has the variable, it will not be replaced
* @return this metadatable
default @NotNull Metadatable copyAll(final @NotNull Metadatable other, final boolean replace) {
variables().forEach((k, v) -> {
if (!other.hasVariable(k) || replace) other.setVariable(k, v);
return this;
* Uses {@link #copyAll(Metadatable, boolean)} to copy from the given {@link Metadatable} to this one.
* @param other the other metadatable
* @param replace if false, if this already has the variable, it will not be replaced
* @return this metadatable
default @NotNull Metadatable copyFrom(final @NotNull Metadatable other, final boolean replace) {
other.copyAll(this, replace);
return this;
* Applies all the current variables to the given object fields,
* by replacing in every string all the variables in the format {@link #VARIABLE_FORMAT}.
* @param <T> the type parameter
* @param object the object
* @return the object parsed
default <T> T apply(final T object) {
if (object == null) return null;
else if (object.getClass().isEnum()) return object;
else if (object instanceof String) return (T) apply((String) object);
else if (object instanceof Collection) return (T) apply((Collection<Object>) object);
else if (object instanceof Map) return (T) apply((Map<Object, Object>) object);
else if (!ReflectionUtils.isPrimitiveOrWrapper(object.getClass())) {
final Refl<T> refl = new Refl<>(object);
for (Field field : refl.getNonStaticFields())
.map(f -> f.get(object))
.filter(o -> !o.toString().contains("Lambda"))
.ifPresent(o -> field.set(object, apply(o)));
return object;
* Applies all the current variables to the given string.
* @param string the string
* @return the string parsed
default String apply(@NotNull String string) {
for (final String v : variables().keySet()) {
final String s = getVariable(v);
if (s == null) continue;
final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("([^\\\\]|^)" + VARIABLE_FORMAT.apply(v)).matcher(string);
while (matcher.find())
string = string.substring(0, matcher.start()) + + s +
return string;
* Applies all the current variables to the given collection.
* @param collection the collection
* @return the collection parsed
default @NotNull Collection<Object> apply(Collection<Object> collection) {
Class<?> clazz = collection.getClass();
// In the case of creation with Arrays.asList()
if (clazz.getCanonicalName().equals(Arrays.class.getCanonicalName() + ".ArrayList"))
clazz = ArrayList.class;
Class<Collection<Object>> finalClass = (Class<Collection<Object>>) clazz;
.collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new Refl<>(finalClass, new Object[0]).getObject()));
* Applies all the current variables to the given map.
* @param map the map
* @return the map parsed
default @NotNull Map<Object, Object> apply(final @NotNull Map<Object, Object> map) {
final List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>(map.keySet());
for (Object key : keys) {
if (key == null) continue;
Object value = map.get(key);
if (value != null) {
map.put(apply(key), apply(value));
return map;
* Gets the current variables in form of {@link Map}.
* @return the map
@NotNull Map<String, String> variables();