package it.fulminazzo.yagl;
import it.fulminazzo.yagl.items.AbstractItem;
import it.fulminazzo.yagl.particles.BlockDataOption;
import it.fulminazzo.yagl.particles.Particle;
import it.fulminazzo.yagl.utils.EnumUtils;
import it.fulminazzo.yagl.wrappers.Enchantment;
import it.fulminazzo.yagl.wrappers.Potion;
import it.fulminazzo.yagl.wrappers.PotionEffect;
import it.fulminazzo.yagl.wrappers.Sound;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.objects.Refl;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.structures.CacheMap;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.structures.tuples.Triple;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.structures.tuples.Tuple;
import it.fulminazzo.fulmicollection.utils.ReflectionUtils;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import org.bukkit.Effect;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
* A utility class to convert objects from this library to Minecraft Bukkit and vice versa.
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public final class WrappersAdapter {
private static final Map<Particle, Tuple<org.bukkit.Particle, ?>> PARTICLE_CACHE = new CacheMap<>();
* Spawn particle.
* @param world the world
* @param particle the particle
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param z the z
* @param count the count
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull World world, final @NotNull Particle particle,
double x, double y, double z, int count) {
spawnParticle(world, particle, x, y, z, count, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
* Spawn particle.
* @param world the world
* @param particle the particle
* @param location the location
* @param count the count
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull World world, final @NotNull Particle particle,
final @NotNull Location location, int count) {
spawnParticle(world, particle, location, count, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
* Spawn particle.
* @param world the world
* @param particle the particle
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param z the z
* @param count the count
* @param offsetX the offset x
* @param offsetY the offset y
* @param offsetZ the offset z
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull World world, final @NotNull Particle particle,
double x, double y, double z, int count,
double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ) {
spawnParticle(world, particle, x, y, z, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, 0.0);
* Spawn particle.
* @param world the world
* @param particle the particle
* @param location the location
* @param count the count
* @param offsetX the offset x
* @param offsetY the offset y
* @param offsetZ the offset z
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull World world, final @NotNull Particle particle,
final @NotNull Location location, int count,
double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ) {
spawnParticle(world, particle, location, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, 0.0);
* Spawn particle.
* @param world the world
* @param particle the particle
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param z the z
* @param count the count
* @param offsetX the offset x
* @param offsetY the offset y
* @param offsetZ the offset z
* @param speed the speed
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull World world, final @NotNull Particle particle,
double x, double y, double z, int count,
double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ, double speed) {
spawnParticle(world, particle, new Location(world, x, y, z), count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed);
* Spawn particle.
* @param world the world
* @param particle the particle
* @param location the location
* @param count the count
* @param offsetX the offset x
* @param offsetY the offset y
* @param offsetZ the offset z
* @param speed the speed
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull World world, final @NotNull Particle particle,
final @NotNull Location location, int count,
double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ, double speed) {
spawnParticleCommon(world, particle, location, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed);
* Spawn particle.
* @param player the player
* @param particle the particle
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param z the z
* @param count the count
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Particle particle,
double x, double y, double z, int count) {
spawnParticle(player, particle, x, y, z, count, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
* Spawn particle.
* @param player the player
* @param particle the particle
* @param location the location
* @param count the count
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Particle particle,
final @NotNull Location location, int count) {
spawnParticle(player, particle, location, count, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
* Spawn particle.
* @param player the player
* @param particle the particle
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param z the z
* @param count the count
* @param offsetX the offset x
* @param offsetY the offset y
* @param offsetZ the offset z
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Particle particle,
double x, double y, double z, int count,
double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ) {
spawnParticle(player, particle, x, y, z, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, 0.0);
* Spawn particle.
* @param player the player
* @param particle the particle
* @param location the location
* @param count the count
* @param offsetX the offset x
* @param offsetY the offset y
* @param offsetZ the offset z
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Particle particle,
final @NotNull Location location, int count,
double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ) {
spawnParticle(player, particle, location, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, 0.0);
* Spawn particle.
* @param player the player
* @param particle the particle
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param z the z
* @param count the count
* @param offsetX the offset x
* @param offsetY the offset y
* @param offsetZ the offset z
* @param speed the speed
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Particle particle,
double x, double y, double z, int count,
double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ, double speed) {
spawnParticle(player, particle, new Location(player.getWorld(), x, y, z), count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed);
* Spawn particle.
* @param player the player
* @param particle the particle
* @param location the location
* @param count the count
* @param offsetX the offset x
* @param offsetY the offset y
* @param offsetZ the offset z
* @param speed the speed
public static void spawnParticle(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Particle particle,
final @NotNull Location location, int count,
double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ, double speed) {
spawnParticleCommon(player, particle, location, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed);
private static <T> void spawnParticleCommon(final @NotNull T target, final @NotNull Particle particle,
final @NotNull Location location, int count,
double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ, double speed) {
Tuple<org.bukkit.Particle, ?> tuple = PARTICLE_CACHE.computeIfAbsent(particle, p -> wParticleToParticle(particle));
final org.bukkit.Particle actual = tuple.getKey();
final Object option = tuple.getValue();
if (target instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) target;
if (option == null) player.spawnParticle(actual, location, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed);
else player.spawnParticle(actual, location, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, option);
} else if (target instanceof World) {
World world = (World) target;
if (option == null) world.spawnParticle(actual, location, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed);
else world.spawnParticle(actual, location, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, option);
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Do not know how to spawn particles for '%s'", target));
* Converts the given {@link Particle} to a tuple containing the corresponding {@link org.bukkit.Particle} and
* the parsed particle option (if present).
* @param particle the particle
* @return the tuple
public static @NotNull Tuple<org.bukkit.Particle, ?> wParticleToParticle(final @NotNull Particle particle) {
return wParticleToGeneral(particle, org.bukkit.Particle.class, org.bukkit.Particle::getDataType);
* Spawn effect.
* @param world the world
* @param particle the particle
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param z the z
public static void spawnEffect(final @NotNull World world, final @NotNull Particle particle,
double x, double y, double z) {
spawnEffect(world, particle, new Location(world, x, y, z));
* Spawn effect.
* @param world the world
* @param particle the particle
* @param location the location
public static void spawnEffect(final @NotNull World world, final @NotNull Particle particle,
final @NotNull Location location) {
world.getPlayers().forEach(p -> spawnEffect(p, particle, location));
* Spawn effect.
* @param player the player
* @param particle the particle
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param z the z
public static void spawnEffect(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Particle particle,
double x, double y, double z) {
spawnEffect(player, particle, new Location(player.getWorld(), x, y, z));
* Spawn effect.
* @param player the player
* @param particle the particle
* @param location the location
public static void spawnEffect(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Particle particle,
final @NotNull Location location) {
Tuple<Effect, ?> tuple = wParticleToEffect(particle);
Effect actual = tuple.getKey();
Object option = tuple.getValue();
player.playEffect(location, actual, option);
* Converts the given {@link Particle} to a tuple containing the corresponding {@link Effect} and
* the parsed particle option (if present).
* @param particle the particle
* @return the tuple
public static @NotNull Tuple<Effect, ?> wParticleToEffect(final @NotNull Particle particle) {
return wParticleToGeneral(particle, Effect.class, Effect::getData);
private static <T extends Enum<?>> @NotNull Tuple<T, ?> wParticleToGeneral(final @NotNull Particle particle,
final @NotNull Class<T> tClass,
final @NotNull Function<T, Class<?>> dataTypeGetter) {
T actual;
if (tClass.getCanonicalName().equals("org.bukkit.Particle")) actual = (T) ParticleConverter.convertToBukkit(particle);
else actual = EnumUtils.valueOf(tClass, particle.getType());
Object option = particle.getOption();
Class<?> dataType = dataTypeGetter.apply(actual);
if (option == null || dataType == null) return new Tuple<>(actual, null);
else {
if (ReflectionUtils.isPrimitiveOrWrapper(dataType)) return new Tuple<>(actual, option);
else try {
final Object finalOption = convertOption(dataType, option);
return new Tuple<>(actual, finalOption);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Could not find constructor for data type '%s'",
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid option '%s' for '%s'",
option.getClass().getSimpleName(), actual.name()));
* Converts the given raw option in the specified data type.
* @param dataType the data type
* @param option the option
* @return the object
static @Nullable Object convertOption(@NotNull Class<?> dataType, @NotNull Object option) {
// Check options
if (option instanceof AbstractItem) return itemToItemStack((AbstractItem) option);
else if (option instanceof Potion) return wPotionToPotion((Potion) option);
else if (option instanceof Color) return wColorToColor((Color) option);
// Check data types
else if (dataType.isEnum()) return EnumUtils.valueOf(dataType, option.toString());
else if (dataType.equals(MaterialData.class)) {
if (!(option instanceof Tuple))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Expected %s but got %s",
Tuple.class.getSimpleName(), option.getClass().getSimpleName()));
Tuple<String, Integer> tuple = (Tuple<String, Integer>) option;
Material material = EnumUtils.valueOf(Material.class, tuple.getKey());
Integer data = tuple.getValue();
return material.getNewData((byte) (data == null ? 0 : data));
} else if (dataType.getCanonicalName().equals("org.bukkit.Vibration")) return option;
else if (dataType.getCanonicalName().equals("org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData")) {
String raw = option.toString();
BlockDataOption blockDataOption = new BlockDataOption(raw);
Material material = EnumUtils.valueOf(Material.class, blockDataOption.getMaterial());
if (!material.isBlock())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Cannot use non-block material '%s' as block data", material));
String nbt = blockDataOption.getNBT().trim();
return nbt.isEmpty() ? material.createBlockData() : material.createBlockData(String.format("[%s]", nbt));
} else {
// Try creation from the data type
final Object finalOption;
Constructor<?> constructor = dataType.getDeclaredConstructors()[0];
int size = constructor.getParameterCount();
if (size == 2) {
Tuple<?, ?> t = (Tuple<?, ?>) option;
finalOption = new Refl<>(dataType, prepareParameters(t.getKey(), t.getValue())).getObject();
} else if (size == 3) {
Triple<?, ?, ?> t = (Triple<?, ?, ?>) option;
finalOption = new Refl<>(dataType, prepareParameters(t.getFirst(), t.getSecond(), t.getThird())).getObject();
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create option from constructor: " + constructor);
return finalOption;
private static Object @NotNull [] prepareParameters(final Object @NotNull ... parameters) {
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
Object o = parameters[i];
if (o instanceof Color) parameters[i] = wColorToColor((Color) o);
return parameters;
* Converts the given {@link AbstractItem} to an {@link ItemStack}.
* @param item the item
* @return the item stack
public static @Nullable ItemStack itemToItemStack(final @Nullable AbstractItem item) {
final Class<?> itemUtils;
try {
itemUtils = ReflectionUtils.getClass("it.fulminazzo.yagl.ItemAdapter");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find ItemAdapter class. This function requires the 'item:bukkit' module to be added");
return new Refl<>(itemUtils).invokeMethod("itemToItemStack", item);
* Converts the given wrapper {@link Color} to a {@link org.bukkit.Color}.
* @param color the color
* @return the color
public static @NotNull org.bukkit.Color wColorToColor(final @NotNull Color color) {
org.bukkit.Color actualColor;
try {
actualColor = new Refl<>(org.bukkit.Color.class).invokeMethod("fromARGB",
color.getAlpha(), color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue());
} catch (Exception e) {
actualColor = org.bukkit.Color.fromRGB(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue());
return actualColor;
* Converts the given {@link org.bukkit.Color} to a wrapper {@link Color}.
* @param color the color
* @return the color
public static @NotNull Color colorToWColor(final @NotNull org.bukkit.Color color) {
try {
return new Color(new Refl<>(color).invokeMethod("getAlpha"), color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue());
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue());
* Plays the given {@link Sound} using Bukkit methods at the player's {@link Location}.
* In older versions, {@link Sound#getCategory()} is ignored.
* @param player the player
* @param sound the sound
public static void playSound(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Sound sound) {
playSound(player, player.getLocation(), sound);
* Plays the given {@link Sound} using Bukkit methods.
* In older versions, {@link Sound#getCategory()} is ignored.
* @param player the player
* @param location the location
* @param sound the sound
public static void playSound(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Location location, final @NotNull Sound sound) {
playInternalSound(player, location, sound, s -> EnumUtils.valueOf(org.bukkit.Sound.class, s.getName()));
* Plays the given {@link Sound} using Bukkit methods at the player's {@link Location}.
* In older versions, {@link Sound#getCategory()} is ignored.
* The {@link Player#playSound(Location, org.bukkit.Sound, float, float)} method is used
* to skip sound verification.
* @param player the player
* @param sound the sound
public static void playCustomSound(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Sound sound) {
playCustomSound(player, player.getLocation(), sound);
* Plays the given {@link Sound} using Bukkit methods.
* In older versions, {@link Sound#getCategory()} is ignored.
* The {@link Player#playSound(Location, org.bukkit.Sound, float, float)} method is used
* to skip sound verification.
* @param player the player
* @param location the location
* @param sound the sound
public static void playCustomSound(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Location location, final @NotNull Sound sound) {
playInternalSound(player, location, sound, Sound::getName);
private static <T> void playInternalSound(final @NotNull Player player, final @NotNull Location location,
final @NotNull Sound sound, final @NotNull Function<Sound, T> actualSound) {
final Refl<Player> playerRefl = new Refl<>(player);
final T actual = actualSound.apply(sound);
try {
String category = sound.getCategory();
if (category != null) {
final Object actualCategory = EnumUtils.valueOf(Class.forName("org.bukkit.SoundCategory"), category);
playerRefl.callMethod("playSound", location, actual, actualCategory, sound.getVolume(), sound.getPitch());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Prevent other versions from complaining about method not found.
playerRefl.callMethod("playSound", location, actual, sound.getVolume(), sound.getPitch());
* Converts the given wrapper {@link PotionEffect} to a {@link org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect}.
* @param potionEffect the potion effect
* @return the potion effect
public static @NotNull org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect wPotionEffectToPotionEffect(final @NotNull PotionEffect potionEffect) {
String effect = potionEffect.getName();
PotionEffectType type;
try {
type = EnumUtils.valueOf(PotionEffectType.class, effect, "getByName");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// For Minecraft 1.20.6 and above
effect = effect.replace(" ", "_").toLowerCase();
if (effect.equalsIgnoreCase("bad_luck")) effect = "unluck";
type = EnumUtils.valueOf(PotionEffectType.class, effect, "getByName");
try {
return new org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect(type, potionEffect.getDurationInTicks(), potionEffect.getAmplifier(),
potionEffect.isShowingParticles(), potionEffect.isShowingParticles(),
} catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {
return new org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect(type, potionEffect.getDurationInTicks(), potionEffect.getAmplifier(),
potionEffect.isShowingParticles(), potionEffect.isShowingParticles());
* Converts the given potion effect to a {@link PotionEffect}.
* On older versions, {@link PotionEffect#isShowingIcon()} will be ignored.
* @param potionEffect the potion effect
* @return the potion effect
public static @NotNull PotionEffect potionEffectToWPotionEffect(final @NotNull org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect potionEffect) {
try {
return new PotionEffect(potionEffect.getType().getName(), (double) potionEffect.getDuration() / Constants.TICKS_IN_SECOND,
potionEffect.getAmplifier() + 1, potionEffect.hasParticles(), potionEffect.hasIcon());
} catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {
return new PotionEffect(potionEffect.getType().getName(), (double) potionEffect.getDuration() / Constants.TICKS_IN_SECOND,
potionEffect.getAmplifier() + 1, potionEffect.hasParticles());
* Converts the given wrapper {@link Potion} to a Bukkit potion.
* Because of Bukkit recent changes (1.20.6+), <code>org.bukkit.potion.Potion</code> does not exist anymore.
* For retro-compatibility reasons, this class will return a {@link PotionWrapper} instead,
* from which the actual <code>org.bukkit.potion.Potion</code> object can be retrieved.
* @param potion the potion
* @return the wrapped potion
public static @NotNull PotionWrapper wPotionToPotion(final @NotNull Potion potion) {
return new PotionWrapper(EnumUtils.valueOf(PotionType.class, potion.getName()),
potion.getLevel(), potion.isSplash(), potion.isExtended());
* Converts the given Bukkit potion to a wrapper {@link Potion}.
* Because of Bukkit recent changes (1.20.6+), <code>org.bukkit.potion.Potion</code> does not exist anymore.
* For retro-compatibility reasons, this class allows a generic parameter to be passed,
* but it will require an object of type org.bukkit.potion.Potion.
* @param <P> the type of the potion (org.bukkit.potion.Potion).
* @param potion the bukkit potion
* @return the potion
public static <P> @NotNull Potion potionToWPotion(final @NotNull P potion) {
return potionToWPotion(new PotionWrapper(potion));
* Converts the given potion wrapper to a wrapper {@link Potion}.
* @param potion the potion wrapper
* @return the potion
public static @NotNull Potion potionToWPotion(final @NotNull PotionWrapper potion) {
return new Potion(potion.getType().name(), potion.getLevel(), potion.isSplash(), potion.hasExtendedDuration());
* Converts the given wrapper {@link Enchantment} to a {@link Tuple} containing its corresponding one and its level.
* @param enchantment the enchantment
* @return the tuple
public static @NotNull Tuple<org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment, Integer> wEnchantToEnchant(final @NotNull Enchantment enchantment) {
String raw = enchantment.getName();
org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment actual = null;
try {
Object key = getNamespacedKey(raw);
actual = new Refl<>(org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment.class).invokeMethod("getByKey", key);
if (actual == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find from getKey");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Prevent other versions from complaining about method not found.
Map<String, org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment> byName = new Refl<>(org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment.class).getFieldObject("byName");
for (String key : byName.keySet())
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(raw)) {
actual = byName.get(key);
if (actual == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Could not find enchantment '%s'", raw));
return new Tuple<>(actual, enchantment.getLevel());
* Gets the corresponding namespaced key if the current version of Minecraft supports it.
* Uses <i>minecraft</i> as the key for {@link #getNamespacedKey(String, String)}.
* @param value the value
* @return the namespaced key
public static Object getNamespacedKey(final @NotNull String value) {
return getNamespacedKey("minecraft", value);
* Gets the corresponding namespaced key if the current version of Minecraft supports it.
* @param key the key
* @param value the value
* @return the namespaced key
public static Object getNamespacedKey(final @NotNull String key, final @NotNull String value) {
try {
Class<?> clazz = getNamespacedKeyClass();
return new Refl<>(clazz, key, value).getObject();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("NamespacedKey did not exist in this version of Minecraft");
private static @NotNull Class<?> getNamespacedKeyClass() throws ClassNotFoundException {
return Class.forName("org.bukkit.NamespacedKey");
* Converts the given Bukkit enchantment to a {@link Enchantment}.
* Uses {@link org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment#getName()} for retro-compatibility purposes.
* @param enchantment the enchantment
* @return the enchantment
public static @NotNull Enchantment enchantToWEnchant(final @NotNull org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment enchantment) {
return enchantToWEnchant(enchantment, 1);
* Converts the given Bukkit enchantment to a {@link Enchantment}.
* Uses {@link org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment#getName()} for retro-compatibility purposes.
* @param enchantment the enchantment
* @param level the level
* @return the enchantment
public static @NotNull Enchantment enchantToWEnchant(final @NotNull org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment enchantment, final int level) {
return new Enchantment(enchantment.getName(), level);